
“Open” by Natalia Sosa ’23, Graffiti/Markers

Love: Definitions

We asked some of the staff and students at Del Val what love meant to them…



“I guess love in terms of people,

like family, is doing what’s best

for them even if it’s hard.”

– Jason Farnsworth, Art Teacher


“Caring about someone more than

you care about yourself, wanting to

spend time with them, accepting

them for every aspect of who they are.”

– Abigail Drake ‘26


“True love is ringside to friendship

and honesty. The most important thing

in life is love. When you look into your heart,

think to yourself about the personal

connection with someone that you know would be

helpful. To others, it also means respect

and having good manners by saying things like

‘How has your day been?’,

‘I love your outfit!’

and ‘I also like hanging out with you.’

This is what I think about the

true meaning of true love.”

– Jeffrey Bill ‘19


“Caring for someone else and them

caring for me and making me happy.

Expressing love to each other.

I think of my boyfriend.”

– Laine Gorman ‘23


My girlfriend is Grace Husek and

she is a cheerleader. I’ve been dating

my girlfriend Grace for 3 years.

I started dating my girlfriend in 2020

before the COVID hit, and

I love my girlfriend.

My girlfriend Grace has

Down’s Syndrome; she is special.”

– Philip Sosidko ‘21


“A really deep connection to someone

you bond with and they bond with you.

Between friends, family members, lovers, etc.”

– Aidan Shebchuck ‘23


“Chemicals, baby!”

– Emma Bush ‘23


“Love is a very powerful thing between two people.

There can be romantic love or platonic love

and it’s just beautiful.”  

– Avery Fitz ‘23


“Love is spending the rest of your life

with your best friend, like my wife.

It means someone always understands you

and someone’s always there to support you.”

– Brian Smith, English Teacher and Class of 2005


“You are completely devoted

to a person or thing and

when you don’t have it,

it completely kills you.”

– Kal El Fiorito ‘25


“Love is something you cannot control

but you can embrace as your own.”

– Baylee Foreman ‘23


“Love is bittersweet.

It’s something that can last forever,

but when it’s taken away,

it can hurt really bad.”

– Joshua Paul, Wood Shop Teacher