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An Art and Literary Magazine for Delaware Valley Regional High School

Changing Perspectives

An Art and Literary Magazine for Delaware Valley Regional High School

Changing Perspectives

An Art and Literary Magazine for Delaware Valley Regional High School

Changing Perspectives

"Open" by Natalia Sosa '23, Graffiti/Markers

Love: Definitions

We asked some of the staff and students at Del Val what love meant to them...     “I guess love in terms of people, like family, is doing what’s best for them even if it’s...

**Winner!!** "Born" by Madeline Bobrowski '23, Graphite Pencil

Follies of a King

by Tobias W. Stettler '24

Once upon a time, there sat a kingdom in the forest, ruled by a greedy king. The king craved the luxuries of life, and would hoard great amounts of treasures in his expansive castle. His daughter, his...

"Love" by Kacper Domoslawski '24, Pencil Sketch

The Moon

by Adriana Rosato '23 ~ Winner!

I now recognize Why the moon chases the earth She keeps him at a distance Timid to get even the smallest bit closer But incapable of turning away She watches him watch her She is the sun How could...

"The Flutters of Love" by Kallista Saam '24, Pencil Sketch

Am I So Mad?

by Nevaeh Baron '25

Look around, can you see me? I'll talk loud, aren't you listening? Scream out "give me attention", Freaking out over every interaction. I don't know much, should I ask her? I think too much, a disaster. My...

"Love You Forever" by Kaitlyn Fike '23, Pencil Sketch

She’s a Sunflower

by Amaya E. Joassainte '25

She's a sunflower No understanding yet completely open Bright and finding new passions I find it quite perfect. She's a sunflower Looking upon the brighter side of life Glowing, She isn't the sun...

"Churro Collage" by Grace Benthin '23, Mixed Media

True Love: a Haiku

by Claire McGovern '26

        Churros are scrumptious. They have never let me down. They are there for you.        

"Fear of Love" by Vanessa Jacinto Martinez '25, Pencil Sketch

Love for the Rat Machine

by Aidan O'Connell '24

It's dark. Past twilight, but not yet twelve, or else I would be able to see. It's no matter though, as I already know the way. Not truly in the directions sense, the kind of path you follow after pulling...

"Tough Love" by Georgia Davis Lonczak '25, Pencil Sketch

For Esmé – with … Squalor

by Grace Benthin '23 ~ Staff Member Honoree
After "For Esmé–– with Love and Squalor" by J.D. Salinger
"Annabel Lee" by Kristin Rule '23, Pencil Sketch

daisies and all their dead stems

By erica jeanne wagner '25

i burned our bed with the candle of aphrodite; the goddess of love wouldn't know what to say if she ever laid eyes on me. love is loudest afterwards, once something's died: makes you wish it never...

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Love 2023