1:30am| With open eyes and ears unclogged, police lights; red hues and blues flash in an instant, they U Turn under an orbiting Mars and a dim sun, driving out of my peripheral. I can’t sleep while my...
Did Medusa ever look at herself in the mirror,
Hoping to rid herself of ache by petrifying her insides?
Does the venom swallow her up?
Unless she pursues the flesh she hates to satisfy
I cannot truly fathom all that you had seen,
To view a life as but a dream within a dream.
To hear the heart beat from beneath your bedroom floor
And watch a raven perched above your chamber door.
the view from atop an ivory tower
makes me doubt the value of
being among the vast majority
they don’t know what it’s like:
fancy cars and penthouses
are greater than
the needs of...
A sheet laid across the lawn,
A stolen bottle of wine gripped to either your lips or mine,
And a backpack full of life's finest pleasures.
We passed the trespassing sign that...
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale represent the conflicting forces of authority versus experience, medieval misogyny versus feminine sexuality, and the irony that arises from a character who seemingly...
When asked for advice
on moving to the city,
I tell people
that first,
it will be beautiful, but
the first bad day you have here
may very well be one of the worst
had a thought recently
how it’s all
ones and zeroes passing through
and love is when
sequence after sequence
floating in a void
of black, soundless nothing
1 & 0 & 1 & 0...